Trudie Callan

Photo-a-Week Challenge


Week 47 – 18. Holiday Spirit


The original meaning for ‘holiday’ was ‘holy day’ so I am using our grand daughter’s First Holy Communion Day for this theme. She had two days to dress up. The Day itself and a ‘Going Forth’ Mass the following week with a party included. Both occasions were happy and of course we were proud grand parents.


This is our grand daughter in the middle of the picture. She is wearing the dress that I sat up until the wee small hours sewing for her Aunt. Her mother in due course wore it for her First Communion. It is becoming a family heirloom. It has fitted them all but of varying lengths! It is 34 years old!


Week 46 – 36. Right place at the right time

When our son was at Art College he bought me a book he had read called “derek jarman’s garden”,  and I have always wanted to go there. “Derek Jarman’s public image is that of a film-maker of genius, whose work, dwelling on themes of sexuality and violence, became a byword for controversy. But the private man was creator of his own garden-paradise in an environment that many might think was more of a hell than a heaven – in the flat, bleak, often desolate expanse of shingle that faces the nuclear power station in Dungeness, Kent. Jarman, a passionate gardener from childhood, combines his painter’s eye his horticultural expertise and his ecological convictions to produce a landscape which combines the flints, shells and driftwood of Dungeness; sculptures made from stones, old tools and found objects; the area’s indigenous plants; and shrubs and flowers introduced by Jarman himself.” Taken from the flyleaf of the book.  There are beautiful photographs throughout the book taken by Howard Sooley (


This the first view of the cottage, ‘Prospect Cottage’ showing the shingle and the plants


and one of the sculptures.

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On the side of the cottage, is a poem by John Donne (1572 – 1631).

The Sunne Rising

Busie old foole, unruly Sunne,

Why dost thou thus,

Through windowes, and through curtaines call on us?

Must to thy motions lovers’ seasons run?

Sawsy pedantique wretch, goe chide

Late schoole boyes and  sowre prentices,

Goe tell Court-huntsmen, that the KIng will ride,

Call countrey ants to harvest offices;

Love, all alike, no season knowes, nor clyme,

Nor houres, dayes, moneths, which are the rags of time…………….

Thou sunne art halfe as happy wee,

In that the world’s contracted thus.

Thine age askes ease, and since thy duties bee

To warme the world, that’s done warming us.

Shine here to us, and thou art every where;

This bed thy centre is, these walls thy spheare.

The Garden was part of a coach trip to the the Romney Marshes. They are on the coast of Kent. We visited Hythe, one of the Cinque ports, Dungeness where we had delicious fresh Fish and Chips and visited The Garden there. Imagine my surprise when as I got off the coach in front of the Garden, our son texted me on my mobile all the way from Melbourne, Australia. I was able to share that moment with him since he had triggered my wish to visit it in the first place! Not sure who was in the “right place at the right time” but one or both of us was!

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Romney Marsh is very flat. In the 11th and 12th century there were several severe storms and sea receded and has continued to recede since. This part of the Marsh is shingle and only plants which can survive the winds and salt. The Marsh are famous for smugglers and the books and films about a parson, Dr Syn who was also a smuggler were set here.  There are many sheep on the Marshes. It is said the Marsh is a bit like Marmite – you either love it or you hate it!

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This amused me. It was in an old Church we visited. It was a box the priest took to burials to protect himself from the wind and rain before the umbrella was invented!


Week 45 – 26. Masked

A local rugby club hold a charity event each year, although this one was the last one. One of the players some 20 years ago died at a young age and they hold this event in his memory. He was one of a family who were the backbone of the Rugby Team, uncles, cousins, brothers and friends. Each year they were able to provide a team from the family to hold a match against whoever wanted to take part. There are side shows for children, cake stalls, drinks, tombolas, raffles, an auction and a Disco in the evening. They raise money for charity. I believe they made about £50,000 over the 20 years. There was a remarkable charity there this year giving a demonstration. A dog was displaying how he could help a disabled person. He woke her up, pulled off the bedclothes, pulled her sleeve to help her sit upright then pulled her bedclothes off and brought her clothes to her. He could load the washing machine, answer the phone, pick up things she had dropped. It was remarkable to see how much he could help with everyday things that helped her to be independent.

I was going to do this one for ‘summer fun’ but I was too far away from the slide to do it justice and I did not have my zoom lens with me. Our youngest grandchild is ‘Masked’ with her face painted. Imagine our horror when we saw her face on the slide between her 2 elder sisters! She was clearly frightened. She soon cheered up with her face painting session and her 2 sisters had a whale of a time on the slide and got an extra turn because their little sister was not going up the slide again! No way!


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Week 44 – 27. Musical

There were two buskers in KIngston when this one was taken. I put some money in this one’s pot but he would not look at me. I was further away from the second busker and lost my nerve to approach him! Kingston is a University town and we have lots of student musicians performing in the shopping precinct. There are also visiting musicians from other countries e.g. Peru and they give a colourful atmosphere to the busy shopping centre.

I used a filter from the Nik collection, Color Efex Pro 4. Gradually trying new things from it and taking tutorials from YouTube.
