Trudie Callan

Photo-a-Week Challenge


Week 31 -8. Break the rule of thirds


These are the Hellebores in our garden. They are a great sight this year. These pink ones and also some white. They are usually very tatty and mud spattered but I caught them at their best.

Definitely no rule of thirds here. I can just here the Camera Club Judge saying. “I do not know about this one. Where do you want me to focus? There is no point of focus. My eye is all over the place.” It says exactly what I wanted to say. I was just bowled over by the impact of the whole carpet of blooms.


Week30 – 13. Infrared


I usually imagine “infrared” with black and white images. When I looked on line there were examples of coloured infrared images too. I used  the “Infrared” filter in Color Efex Pro 4 in the Nik Collection for this one. The image was originally orange. The filter has deepened the colour and brought out the texture of the bowl. Nice to have an opportunity to experiment with the filters. I shall have a go with other images now that I have broken the ice.